Jessica Vivien, Perth Writer

Jessica lives in the Hills to the East of Perth, and writes amidst eucalypt forests sometimes in the company of parrots, magpies, ravens, and sometimes in the company of two mad cats, Lily and Doushka.

In January 2007 she had the privilege of attending Clarion South in Brisbane, Queensland, 6 solid weeks "in crucible" with16 other rising stars of the Spec Fic writing community and 6 topflight writers and editors. During this process her various writing organs, ie heart, mind and soul were removed, assessed, modified and returned to her by an unidentified energy form (which she hopes was her muse not an alien). She was then sent home to the Hills to recover.

Now, after the customary One-Year Clarion Fallow period, she is ready to write again, and sits with pen poised. Are you ready for Jessica's post Clarion writings? Watch this space...

photo of Jessica with dragon